Please Bear With Me

A Sugar Sweet Season Finale

Travis is joined for one final time this season by Scotty Swingler to discuss the Bear's Sugar Bowl victory and a recap of Baylor's historic season.

3 years ago

The Bears capped off a sugar sweet football season with a 21-7 win in the Sugar Bowl for Baylor's first ever NY6 bowl victory. This 12 win season is a program record and what an amazing turnaround it was for Coach Dave Aranda's 2nd year at the helm.

Please Bear with Me once again welcomes Scotty Swingler to help recap this incredible season. This episode starts with a recap of the ups and downs of the Sugar Bowl and the impressive amount of records the Bears were able to set. Also, how Baylor was able to win despite only 40 passing yards on the day.

Travis and Scotty will also recap the season in its entirety. Both of the guys were surprised at how the season turned out based on the expectations they both set for the year. This rolls right into what expectations each of them has for the program moving forward especially given the news surrounding the inevitable contract extension for Dave Aranda. 

This episode wraps up with a very rough outlook on what the roster may look like next year. Not as many guys are leaving as Travis thought and most of the core of the offensive identity will be returning (OL and QB). Both of the guys think there will be a heck of a battle for playing time at WR and DB. 

Thanks to everyone who listened to this season 5 of Please Bear with Me and thank you to all of the guests who so graciously took the time to join us. We certainly wouldn't have had this fun of a year without you.

Sic 'em

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The Please Bear With Me podcast is Hosted/Produced by Baylor alum Scotty Swingler. PBwM covers Baylor football with engaging interviews, fun conversations, and strong opinions.